Event recap Father Thomas Judge

Event Recap – Life of Father Thomas A. Judge, CM

On Tuesday, April 20, Dr. William Portier of the University of Dayton spoke on the life of Father Thomas A. Judge, CM, a pioneer in the development of the lay apostolate.  Dr. Portier’s talk was based on his biography of Judge, Every Catholic an Apostle (Catholic University of America Press). The presentation...

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The Philadelphia Irish

Event Recap – The Philadelphia Irish

On Sunday, March 21, Dr. Michael Mullan presented on his forthcoming book, The Philadelphia Irish: Nation, Culture, and the Rise of a Gaelic Public Sphere (Rutgers University Press, 2021). His research drew heavily from archival material at the Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, including some sources that are part...

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St. Peter Claver Parish

ACHS celebrates Black History Month

The ACHS joins the church and the nation in celebrating Black History Month. It is an occasion to remind ourselves of the tremendous contributions Black Catholics have made to the church through their enduring faith and witness in the face of discrimination and adversity. We invite you to check out the following...

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ACS online access

Online Access to American Catholic Studies

The ACHS is pleased to announce a new benefit of membership:  Free online access to the Society’s award-winning journal, American Catholic Studies! This includes access to the full run of back issues from 2011 onward. This benefit is made possible through our partnership with Project Muse, which hosts our journal as...

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ACHS newsletter 2020

2020 Newsletter

The ACHS annual newsletter for Fall 2020 has just been issued. Read about the work of the Society and learn about our upcoming events for 2020-2021. 

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Archbishop Nelson J. Perez

Barry Award Dinner – 2021

Because of restrictions on public gatherings related to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the ACHS has determined that it will not be feasible to hold the Barry Award Dinner this November.  We are delighted to announce, however, that this year’s selected honoree, Archbishop Nelson J. Perez, has agreed to receive the...

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Resources on the Subject of Race and Racism

The opinions expressed on this blog represent the views only of the individual contributors; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Catholic Historical Society. The U.S. bishops have named the reality of personal and systemic racism and they have called on Catholics to undertake the following tasks:...

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