Online Access to American Catholic Studies

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The ACHS is pleased to announce a new benefit of membership:  Free online access to the Society’s award-winning journal, American Catholic Studies! This includes access to the full run of back issues from 2011 onward. This benefit is made possible through our partnership with Project Muse, which hosts our journal as part of its online repository.   This benefit is for individual members only, not libraries or institutions. 

Here’s how it’ll work:

  1. Those interested are asked to e-mail us at to request access.  
  2. After we confirm that your membership is up-to-date, we will direct you to the log-in page and provide you with the password. 
  3. You will then be taken to the ACS page in Muse, where you can access the journal.  You can read online, or print and download materials for personal use. 

Please note that we will be using a common password, so we ask you not to share with non-members. The password will be changed quarterly – every time a new issue of the journal is released. Those who have requested online access will receive an email from us at that time with the new password.  

For those of you who love print, don’t worry! Print copies of the journal are not going away. All members will continue to receive those in the mail. 

Thank you for being members of the ACHS. Your support sustains the journal and makes benefits like this possible. If you’re not a member and wish to join, visit our membership page to sign up!