American Catholic Studies: Winter 2024

Check out the latest issue of American Catholic Studies. It begins with an article on Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, the daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne and convert to Catholicism who was recently declared venerable.   It also features a survey of English-language biographies of Pope John XXIII, a study of Catholic views...

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American Catholic Studies: Fall 2024

The latest issue of American Catholic Studies has arrived — and it’s a special one! To mark the journal’s 25th anniversary, we invited leading scholars of American Catholicism to reflect back on the past quarter century. Their brief essays reveal the remarkable dynamism of the genuine sense of community that...

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American Catholic Studies: Winter 2023/24

We’re pleased to announce the release of our Winter 2023/24 issue.   In This Issue: Not yet a subscriber? Join the ACHS today! All members automatically receive a print subscription to the journal. Members can also access journal issues online.

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Editors of American Catholic Studies win Trisco-Minnich prize for editing

Congratulations to the editors of American Catholic Studies, the flagship publication of the American Catholic Historical Society. They have been named the first winners of the American Catholic Historical Association’s Trisco-Minnich prize for editing. The American Catholic Historical Association is honored to award the Robert F. Trisco and Nelson H....

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2023 Annual Newsletter

Check out our 2023 annual newsletter to learn about the ACHS, its activities, and our schedule for the upcoming 2023-2024 year!  Members should have already received their print copy in the mail. We invite you to share the newsletter with family, friends, associates, and anyone who might be interested in American...

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American Catholic Studies: Summer 2023

Looking for some summer reading?  Check out the latest issue of American Catholic Studies. The issue includes: We hope you enjoy! Not yet a subscriber? Join the ACHS today! All members automatically receive a print subscription to the journal.  Members can also access journal issues online.

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American Catholic Studies: Spring 2023

Spring has arrived – and so has the Spring 2023 issue of American Catholic Studies.  The issue features: Members can access journal issues online! Not yet a subscriber? Join the ACHS today! All members automatically receive a print subscription to the journal.

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American Catholic Studies: Winter 2023

The latest issue of the Society’s journal, American Catholic Studies, is here. It features articles on the reconciliation of Father Leonard Feeney, the controversial Boston priest (by Richard Gribble); on Father Thomas Tobin, a WWII-era labor priest in Portland, Oregon (by Samuel Mertz), and a 50th anniversary account of the history of...

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American Catholic Studies: Fall 2022

The latest issue of the Society’s journal, American Catholic Studies, is here. We’re pleased to feature a special Forum on “Building Catholic Studies Where We Are,” an account of Bishop John England’s diplomatic work, and a cover essay on the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Members...

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ACHS newsletter 2022

2022 Newsletter

Check out our annual newsletter to learn about the ACHS, its activities, and our schedule for the upcoming 2022-2023 year!  Members will be receiving copies in the mail this week. We invite you to share the newsletter with family, friends, associates, and anyone who might be interested in American Catholic...

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